Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hari Raya

Hari Raya or Hari Raya Aidilfitri is one of Malaysia's major celebration or perhaps the world. Hari Raya is a spiritual month in the Islamic calender. It is celebrated by the Muslims. What I like most about Hari Raya is that I can get to eat many delicious food!! YUMMY!! Especially the rendang, laksa, ketupat and cookies. It is impossible to not spot a stall selling food especially the local "kuih-muih" like dodol, pulut wajik, kuih bahulu and kuih prap. One month before the Hari Raya, Muslims will have to fast. It is called the Ramadan month. Their fasting starts after the azan subuh (in the morning) and ends at 7 in the evening. Hari Raya marks the end of the fasting month.

 During the Hari Raya month shopping malls and the bazaars will be crowded with people causing a very jolly mood for everyone, even the non-Muslims, even though traffic throughout the country is bad and congested. Holidays during this festive month is quite long (I like it). Major sales in shopping malls extends for over a month and above during the Hari Raya month. This gives opportunity not only to me but to rest of the citizens to shop for more cheap stuff!!!!  Traditional attire can be found in all the shopping complexes everywhere even in small stalls. Examples of the Hari Raya traditional attire is the baju melayu, baju kurung, baju kebaya, kain songket, jubah and also some cool head scarfs. 
                  This was the scene in my uncle's house before it went way "out of control"           (water balloon fight)
I joined my uncle's Hari Raya celebration on the first day of Hari Raya. It was full of fun and madness!!! I enjoyed it a lot. The food was so delicious. I kept on eating even after my tummy couldn't take in more food. I just can't resist the temptation. I liked the chocolate cookie with nuts that my aunt made. It was just so superb. I even packed some back home after leaving her house. My cousins were all dressed up in brand new clothes. They were wearing the "Baju Melayu" and "Baju Kurung". Their clothes even had the "new clothes smell". Besides, their clothes were all so clean, bright and glittering. 

After having all our tummies full we had a water balloon fight. It was a bomb!!! We were all soaking wet. The whole porch was wet. We were all chasing after one another throwing water balloons and screaming. We made so much so noise but luckily the neighbors didn't mind at all as many of them were out of town. Then, we watched a  Hindi movie title 3 idiots. That will be the 3th time I'm  watching that movie because it is just so funny and interesting . There wasn't any fireworks for us. We didn't played it as my aunt was afraid of the bad consequences that could possibly happen, like losing a finger or burning your face or body up (yeah, I totally agree with her, I'm scared as well!) 

Hari Raya is certainly a celebration filled with joy. So Happy Hari Raya to everyone =) and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Oh,yes!! I got the first comment...haha...

    kavita,enjoy your essay...~~o(≧v≦)o~~
