Friday, August 27, 2010

College Life....YumMy

When I first stepped into Taylor's University College i was so nervous. I had the "first day" feeling. My stomach was aching, my mouth was all dried up and i really wanted to go to the toilet even when I don't have to. I wanted to be in high school back. Its a whole new place with new people. College is certainly a whole lot different than high school. At first i thought it was an intake for mass communication students only, then when i arrived at the MPH hall, i felt i was in a different world for a moment. My first day in Taylor University College didn't turned out so well. :( ARGGHHH...... I really hate the first day of anything that I'm into.... Oh yea.. I met Wei Yeek almost like when the orientation stuff was done.. .. she was the first person I met there. So glad!!!:)

On the second orientation day, i met all my cool new pals. I don't remember seeing them all during the first day of orientation though. At first they were all kinda quiet when we met. We were just smiling and showing our teeth the whole time. We were not talking much. I felt kinda awkward. :p After that, on the third day and so on, everything started to happen way beyond I had imagine about how my college life would be! My new pals are so super amazing!!!!!!!!They are so funny, caring, crazy, helpful and so on.......They made my college life so fun and interesting!!!! Everyday with them is just so WOWW!!  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!  
Getting up so early in the morning and getting stuck in the traffic is just an annoying routine. Most of our classes start at 8am till 3pm and above.... which makes me so sleepy and tired. Haizzzzz... wish i can bring a pillow and sleep somewhere quiet :p but the presents of my pals lightens up my mood ( so glad to have you guys).College life is also kinda tough and challenging because of the studies and also the assignments which is such a pain. I've been an insomniac lately.  I was super blur about my first assignment. I was so lost and to be honest i had a really tough and irritating  time setting up this blog but after my buddies and lecturers explained about it, Wowww i was able to do it!!! You guys SAVED me!!  I was also lost with the Plagiarism doings.... until Dr. Benedict gave a briefing about it and i was so relived as i now know how to do my assignments properly without having any doubts . Thank you so much!!!! Besides, i kept laughing ( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ) on whatever happened on 25.8.2010... till today and perhaps forever!!!!!!!!!!! Well, because my favorite word is "cite la".  All the lectures in Taylor University College are really helpful.  ( i really appreciate it ) They gave us a LOT of guidance. =) Once again thank you so much to all my lecturers and friends!! I had learned and I'm still learning many new things which is great. :)


  1. Aloha Kavita *hug hug*
    Well, you're really a blur girl,absolutely even more blur than me =p
    College life is really really fun, and it's really really happy to be crazy with you guys...
    lalala~ let's continue our craziness everyday =)

  2. im blur?? haha only for this blog la.. =P
    college is fun because of you guys =)

  3. hey slacker, cool blog of urs :D

  4. Hello kavita, nice blog ,so cool....~~o(≧v≦)o~~
